Pastors Sarah Jakes Roberts And Toure Roberts Appointment To Assistant Pastors At The Potter’s House Dallas

Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts and Pastor Toure Roberts, a powerful couple known for their unwavering faith and inspiring messages, were about to embark on a new chapter of their spiritual journey.

As the news spread like wildfire, excitement filled the congregation’s hearts. Pastor Sarah, a gifted speaker and author, had a captivating presence that resonated with people of all ages. Toure, a dynamic preacher, and visionary leader, ignited a passion within the hearts of those seeking spiritual transformation.

The Potter’s House Church, led by the esteemed Bishop T.D. Jakes, for 27 years, was already a beacon of hope for thousands, and the appointment of Sarah and Toure as assistant pastors only added to the church’s bright future. Their appointment was a testament to their unwavering dedication, hard work, and genuine love for the ministry.

Pastors Sarah and Toure embraced their new roles with humility, grace, and an unyielding commitment to serving. They brought the congregation a fresh perspective and renewed sense of purpose. Their deep love for God and their desire to see lives transformed propelled them forward as they labored tirelessly to support the church’s vision.

Under the guidance of Bishop Jakes, Pastor Sarah, and Pastor Toure flourished in their new positions. They poured themselves into pastoral care, offering comfort, guidance, and wisdom to those who sought their counsel. Their empathetic hearts and willingness to listen made them approachable and relatable to everyone they encountered.

Pastor Sarah’s heartfelt sermons touched the souls of many, weaving personal stories of resilience and triumph into her messages of faith. Her authenticity and vulnerability resonated deeply, inspiring others to embrace their own unique journey. Toure’s dynamic preaching style captivated the congregation, empowering them to dream big and pursue their God-given purpose with unwavering conviction.

As the years passed, the impact of Pastors Sarah and Toure’s ministry became evident in the lives of the people they touched. Marriages were restored, broken hearts were healed, and the power of their message transformed countless lives.

Pastors Sarah and Toure led various outreach initiatives, extending the church’s reach beyond its walls. They organized community programs, partnered with local organizations, and initiated projects that addressed the city’s pressing needs. Their genuine love for humanity was contagious, spreading compassion throughout Dallas.

The appointment of Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts and Pastor Toure Roberts as assistant pastors of Potter’s House Dallas marked a new era of growth, transformation, and hope. Their unwavering faith and genuine love for people made them a guiding light for those seeking spiritual nourishment and personal growth.

Their legacy lives on as they continue to inspire and empower individuals from all walks of life, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and souls of the Potter’s House community.

Today is our 27th church anniversary!

There are good moments that we all have. But, every now and then there are God moments that we all cherish! This was one of those moments for @tohdallas ! We are expanding our reach through our first assistant pastors, executive pastor and @jakesdivinity is adding a dean of worship and fine arts with a new curriculum for an accredited Bachelor of Arts degree in church worship for a broader reach! Pray for faith leaders everywhere!!!

Bishop T.D. Jakes

I closed my eyes and thought about my seven vear old self spending the first summer in Dallas running the pews of our empty church.

I thought of the teen girl sitting off to the side wondering where she’d fit with no recognizable gift.

I thought of my freshly divorced self, with two little people, having deeply transformational worship as my soul was cleansed.

I closed my eyes and marveled that God had a plan that would not require any shape shifting so that I could fit.

Instead, God went ahead of me and carved a space unique to who I am.

I couldn’t fit in what I could see because God was preparing a place I couldn’t see.

Grateful to @bishopjakes and @seritajakes for recognizing the gift of God on our lives and allowing us to serve alongside an incredible team for our beautiful church @tphdallas. We look forward to what’s ahead.

Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts

Today I marvelled over many things. It began with being overwhelmed with a deep respect and immense gratfulness toward @bishopjakes for his faithfulness in excellently stewarding the massive global calling and assignment placed upon his life. Congratulations for 27 years of @tphdallas!

To whom much is given, much is required and @bishopjakes and his purpose partner @seritajakes have been tried, time-tested and proven true to the commission of ministry for over four decades.

What God has used them to build through Dallas and unto the nations is not only remarkable, but unprecedented!

Today, my bride and I are blown away and truly honored to stand by their side in the capacity of Assistant Pastor.

Our assignment is to continue to support the massive and critical vision of this movement, and to ensure that His Kingdom continues to come, and His will continues to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven through @tphdallas and our affiliated churches and Kingdom alliances. Here’s to the next 27!

We covet your prayers as we step into this new season of oversight, labor and responsibility.

With love,

Pastor Toure Roberts

Bishop T.D. Jakes, 1st Lady Serita Jakes, Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts, and Pastor Toure Roberts

Photo and video credit: Potter’s House Dallas

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